

What we can do for you...
In addition to the regular and specially scheduled events we hold during the year. IMPACT offers a variety of services.

  • New Parent Hotline
    • 1-877-322-7299  This is a toll free line to call if your child has been recently identified as deaf or hard-of-hearing. Our state wide connections and network of parents is ready and willing to answer questions or just offer moral support.
  • Parent Links
    • This program was funded until last year and is now being carried over into IMPACT as support framework for families of deaf and hard-of-hearing children ages infant to 5 years. This provides a unique network of parents and services
  • Networking 
    • Because IMPACT fosters an environment of welcome and respect for all families regardless of cultural perspecitve or communication modality, we are uniquely available to spectrum of needs regarding deaf and hard-of-hearing children.
    • Our membership represents the diversity of support mechanisms in California
    • Gaining perspective from parents in other programs adds to your knowledge
    • Meeting other families in programs to which you might not belong produces a broader understanding, may help you find additional resources and of course provide an extended network of support.
  • Newsletter
    • This is our monthly e-newsletter and quarterly communication to our membership with news about events, legislation, tips, and support organizations.
  • Workshops
    • Once a year we hold a state wide conference or regional symposium offering a range of speakers and workshops. 
    • The workshops are as diverse as our membership and offer new experiences to or help give depth to familiar knowledge...all are focused on issues surrounding our deaf and hard-of-hearing children.

